CSC384 -- Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Winter 2020

Assignment 1: Search

A1 Help Sessions

We will be conducting several sessions where students can get one-on-one help with their assignments, or just hang out and listen to others' questions. Dates and times for these sessions will be posted here!

Specification of the Assignment

Assignment 1 Handout:
Assignment 1 Handout (posted Jan 20). Due: Tues, Feb 4, 10:00 PM.

The following zip files are part of the A1 specification:

Important: It's your responsibility to monitor the A1 Clarifications Page for any clarifications or corrections.

The A1 TAs, Randy Hickey and Sam Motamed, are available via Piazza for questions concering the assignment. If you have a question of a personal nature, please email Randy at rhickey at cs dot toronto dot edu, Sam (sam dot motamed at mail dot utoronto dot ca), or Bahar or Sonya, placing A1 and CSC384 in the subject header of your message.