progressively obscured
    elephant images

Racket encryption videos

This series of lecturettes by Danny Heap gives just enough of a DrRacket tour to encrypt images, and were used to guide a workshop in May 2012.

racket arithmetic video

Manipulates numbers and elephants. Once you've seen the video, try the quiz below.

  • In the DrRacket interactions pane, type an expression that adds 5/17, 9/19, and 15/23.
  • In the DrRacket interactions pane, type an expression that multiplies the previous expression by 117/29
  • Find an image of a shark on the web, scale it to 0.75 of its size, then rotate it 60 degrees.

racket dissection video

Takes apart images and use them as a template to put together new ones. Once you've watched the video, try the quiz below.

  • Find a shark image on the web and define a short-cut for it called finny.
  • Show the 197th colour of finny
  • Produce a new colour that is the same as the 197th colour of finny, except the red part is the minimum of the red finny's 197th red and blue. The minimum of 5 and 7 is expressed (min 7 5).
  • Produce a new image where each colour is the same as the corresponding colour in finny except the red part is the minimum of finny's corresponding red and blue colour.

racket abstraction video

Creates handy definitions to reduce programming work. Once you've watched the video, try the quiz below.

  • Emulate (that is, copy in a polite way) the definition of mult-mod to define a new function add-mod, which takes three numbers, adds the first two and then takes the remainder with respect to division by the third. For example (add-mod 4 5 6) produces 3, since 4 plus 5 is 9, which has remainder three upon being divided by 6.
  • Use the function mult-mod, some number that shares no divisors with 13, and the function in-range to permute (scramble) the integers from 1 through 12. Can you figure out what number to use to unscramble this list?
  • Use the function obscure-intensity along with the factor 43 to scramble a graphic. Experiment with the numbers 4, 5, 6, and 7 to unscramble it.

racket encryption video

Encrypts an elephant using a transposition (permutation) cipher. Once you've watched the video, try the quiz below.

  • Paste another image into your interactions pane. Encrypt it using for/image and obscure-intensity, as well as the multiplier 43. Make sure you can decrypt the result using the multiplier 6.

Danny Heap
Last modified: Thu Dec 6 10:11:03 EST 2012